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Denso Pigtail Harness for Denso 210-0106 Alternators

Item #: MREKMQ158368

Price: $24.95



Here is a handy item for wiring in your new alternator. The kmq158368 pigtail harness is a simple way to splice in a Denso 60 amp alternator to your existing Mopar wiring harness. This connector is an OEM replacement connector which plugs into the back of the Denso alternators. This connector is for the 210-0106 Denso alternator used in the AR6652, AR6653 and AR6651 alternator kits. It does not fit the Powermaster 8162 or 8172 race alternators.

Blue is the sense wire and it goes to a 12V reference. Green is the 12V feed and it must come from a switched ignition source. Red goes to an indicator lamp. Most Mopar vehicles do not use an indicator so this line can be capped off.